Wednesday, July 16, 2014


 Summer has been  pretty awesome this year!  We spent the weekends in June at the lake.... We managed to work a little in between!

Tate played catcher for the Rangers!

It was a fun season and they won lots of games, just not the championship.... 

At the lake, Bryan, Tate & Pake by the Eagle's Nest.

Tate, Pake, KD and Bryan loving the water and the green grass!

My boys.... My life!

Newt built us this awesome fence and we all helped!

The boys  burning the dead tree piles behind Roll A Cone since we got a big rain!

Cutting wheat!

We had enough to have seed for next year's crop and for that we are thankful!

Pake plowing on, I must admit, the sorriest tractor we own.  He was not happy about no AC and no radio... Bless his heart!

Pake finished his flat bed!  Finally!

Playing - back at the lake riding and hanging out at the swimming hole!

The new toy that Pake claims... But we all love to drive!

Back to work... We've been getting in Momma cow and calf pairs!

Pake helping Ty and Allen work them.

Then back to the swimming hole!

They spotted a snake YIKES!  That's why I never jumped in!

My babies Skeeter and Annie are having a fabulous summer!  They may or may not be spoiled!  Anyway, this summer sure has been full of memories and it's not over yet!