Saturday, July 14, 2012

Just Add Water

Our trip to the coast this year was quite memorable.
 We did something we've never done.
We went bay fishing. 

Our first morning out on the water was beautiful! 

We made a new friend, our guide, Jay Nichols!

We caught trout!  Nice trout!

Seriously nice trout and the boys loved it!  Jay was awesome with the boys too!
Note:  he was patient with me too, considering I forgot my fishing licenses and had to go to Walmart to get a replacement.... durn I always tell on myself!

Our first day we had a cooler full, 1 red fish and 20 trout!

We also saw this rare bird that flew by the boat and put on quite the show!

Our second day, while not as good as the first day, was just as fun!

A big plus is Jay even cleaned our fish!  He's the man.

If y'all go to Corpus, Port A, Rockport etc.... call him up! Just ADD Water!
 You won't be disappointed.

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