Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The First Branding of the Season

 Our first branding was a BIG one!  I'm serious!
The cowboy crew showed up bright and early.  

They branded all 24 of the bottle babies!

One cowboy said, "Dang I've had bottle calves all of my life, but never had enough to have a branding!" lol
  I will say the boys have worked hard this year with their bottle babies.

This crew of cowboys are pretty awesome! 
 They actually had another branding, but they stopped by early to help the boys work their calves.

Mimi was here and I'm kicking myself now for not taking her picture with the boys.

See Mimi came and helped me out for a couple days.... she cleaned my fridge and that was HUGE! lol
Anyway, I'm halfway done with chemo... been dealing with some allergic reactions which is super aggravating but all in all I'm doing great.  I'm tired but not too tired to go to a branding at take pictures! 

Yep y'all guessed it, there are many more branding pictures to come!  
We've had 3 brandings in a week, and don't worry I took 967 pictures!

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