Sunday, September 11, 2011

Labor Day and Some Stitches

Labor Day this year brought some nice cool weather!
So we rode!

And we fished! 
Here Pake and Cole show off some crappie....
if you notice Tate is trying to catch one in the live well. 

Speaking of Tate.... boy do I have a story to tell!  Warning though this next picture is not pretty.

If you have a weak stomach.... don't look.

I warned you! 

Yes that's Tate's chin, and that's all his double chin fat looking all nasty and gross.

So he got 13 stitches. 

So what the heck did he do?  Well here's the story....

We were at the lake.  We'd just had our traditional Saturday night steak night and we were cleaning up, when I hear the scream "MOMMA!!!"  You know the scream that scares the snot out of you, the scream that you know something is wrong.  I drop everything and run to him and he's holding his neck.   I figured out real quick that there was in fact blood.  I sorta panicked and then I got it together and we loaded him up and took him to the ER.  So all the way to the ER, KD and I keep asking him.  "Tate what did you do?"  All he'd say was, "I fell out of the pickup." 

So we get in the ER, the nurse asks him his name, his age, etc.... and what happened.  Then, these are the words that came out of my youngest punk's mouth, "Well I was trying to do a front flip out of the side of the pickup"  So the story finally comes out.  He was using the bed of the pickup like monkey bars, he was going to flip his body over but keep holding on and he caught his chin on the tire well. Thankfully, it wasn't worse.  He promises this is the last stunt he's going to pull like this....
I hope I can believe him.

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