Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tar Baby

This is a road..... a road that we happen to drive down everyday, well when we go to town anyway.
This road needs some work every 5 years or so.... and no we can't call the highway department.
This road would be dirt if Papa Byrd hadn't paved it many years ago, I hear in the '60s.
I'm sure glad he paved it.  And I'm sure glad for my husband who repaved it.

This is the machine that KD used to spread the tar....
it's the orginal machine Papa used almost 50 years ago.....
KD said it's on its last leg, but it worked one more time.

Butch gives us the thumbs up as he heads out to spread the tar.
Tar is messy by the way.... you don't want it on your clothes, your feet, or your car that's for SURE!

Tarring the road really isn't that fun, but these guys managed a smile. 
Maybe it's because we took them burritos and gatorade.

I just knew yall would be SOOOO interested in this!
Tarring the road is a BIG deal, especially when your husband is the one doing it.
By the way, he wore the same clothes and boots for 3 days and we just threw them away.

Thanks again yall for letting me brag on my hubby, he's kinda awesome!

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