Saturday, August 28, 2010


I hosted a toe painting party last week.

You pick your color! What eva you like we do for you =)

Judy and Sierra look over the book to pick their design.

Tam, Leigh and Rosa

Judy Bug loves to get her toes did.

Jules, Les and Tam

Kimmy getting a cute paint job from Miss Mimi!

Trace got cute toes too!

OMG look at those feet! Now that's a funny tan line..... Barb =)

Mimi is so talented and artistic!

There were soo many cute toes and tan lines too!

The sad thing is that all these tan lines and cute toes will soon be gone,

hidden under yucky ole socks and shoes.

We will soon be saying good bye to flip flops too!

So until next spring....

goodbye cute toe nails, flip flops, and weird tan lines.

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